Mayor of Berga has been disabled for six months for not removing the 'stelada' from the City Hall window
  • The mayor denounces that it is a political trial because the stellar installation was a decision taken by the Berga City Council.
Asier Gonzalez de San Pedro @asiertxiki98 2018ko ekainaren 22a
Bergako udaletxearen leihoa (Argazkia:Aqui Bergeda)

Montse Venturos (CUP), mayor of Berga, has been disabled for six months for not removing the stelada from the window of the City Hall in 2015. He has been convicted by the court of Manresa, the prosecutor's office has requested a six-month prison sentence.

Venturos was arrested at his home in November 2016 after ignoring two trial citations. He defended his decision before the judge, “in this case the city council had a clear order to keep the stelada in the window of the city hall,” since the decision was made by the city council. The trial was subsequently closed, but the prosecution appealed. In the trial held in May, the mayor denounced that it is a political trial because the will of the people is above the law.