UEMA will host colonies for young people living in Basque
  • One more year, for the summer season, Jump! UEMA organises travelling colonies. Young people from Basque municipalities will meet for leisure. The objective of UEMA is “to make the leap from inertia to consciousness to young people living in Euskera and thereby generate a multiplier effect”.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko martxoaren 04a
2023ko udalekuetan parte hartu zuten gazteak. Argazkia: UEMA.

The Basque culture and leisure will be Salto! axis of the colonies. The organization aims to raise awareness and raise awareness among young people about Euskera and establish relations among young people living in Euskera.

Two one-week colonies have been organized. One will be held from 24 June to 2 July and another from 4 July 12ra.Txanda in which 60 young people will be able to participate. Persons born between 2006 and 2009 may be registered. In both shifts the same route will take place in Navarre. They will walk from Arantza to Elizondo, passing through Doneztebe / Santesteban and Oronoz-Mugaire. Registration ends on 31 March.

UEMA has been working on raising awareness for years

In recent years, UEMA considers as one of its main lines the awareness and awareness of the citizens about the Basque country. Hedatu is an educational project. In addition, UEMA technicians are working in schools, starting with Early Childhood Education and High School with students, teachers and parents. The objective of UEMA is to emphasize the importance of Basque municipalities as key elements for the normalization of Euskera.