Dominique Duhalde, impeller of Udalbiltza
  • On 24 April, Dominique Duhalde, a former Abertzale building in Lekuine, died and was also president of the Abertzale Association. Although it is not possible to do so immediately due to the coronavirus context, he will be offered a tribute when the situation is reassured.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 25

Donoztarra Dominique Duhalde (Nafarroa Beherea) died on 24 April at the age of eighty. As an advisor to the village of Lekuine, he was a member of the executive committee of Udalbiltza and did a great deal of work to strengthen Udalbiltza in the French Basque Country. Abertzale and left-wing, Duhalde has been a militant in which he has actively participated in the process. Among other things, he participated in the disarmament of ETA in 2017, participating in a group of artisans of peace who went to locate the holes.

His first steps in the association JAC Juventud Cristiana de Labranza (old structure of Basque Youth), when he was young, has always continued to reflect in this field, albeit in retrospect, as a member of the association of Christian Farmers CMR.

He has also worked in the trade union world, in CFTC, in CFDT and then in LAB.

Once the social remoteness from which the coronavirus derives is over, a tribute will be paid to it.