Mondragon City Hall
“The cross of Udalatx will not be rebuilt because it is a protected space”
  • On Saturday morning, Udalatx showed up without a cross. The Town Hall of Arrasate, for its part, announced the same day that it would investigate the disappearance of the cross.
Mondraberri 2024ko urriaren 17a
Udalatxeko gurutzearen artxiboko argazkia EAJ

The Local Police launched an investigation at the same time as it became aware of what had happened and, throughout this week, investigations have continued. According to the municipal representatives, "the investigation is not yielding a true result, since the area where the cross was found has appeared clean, and there are no signs of the cross. In addition, the locations and the fact that they were done at night have led to a clear absence of eyewitnesses.”

The cross cannot be rebuilt because it is a protected space

The City Council of Mondragón protected Udalatx as a natural space in 2016, and since then it is not possible to build it, in particular Article 164, which refers to the scope of Udalatx, says the following: “New buildings or installations cannot be built, nor linked to the hunting activity,” he said, “buildings, facilities and infrastructure of public interest that must be located on this protected soil and which have as their sole objective the development of activities for the valuation of the protected space of Udalatx”.

Since the aim of the law is to protect the area, the City Hall does not provide for the construction of a new cross on Mount Udalatx.

Collaborative meetings with agents and parties

Last Monday, the Mayor convened an extraordinary Board of Spokespersons for all parties represented at the Corporation to share information on the subject. It informed all parties in the state of the investigation and the technical reports required by the Government.

The Mayor met this Wednesday with the Besaide Mountain Association and the Mondraitz Association to discuss the issue. All parties have agreed on the need to share all the information and support Udalaitz.

The City Hall has also participated in the contact with the Sociedad de Ciencias Arrasate and other associations linked to the mountain.