No to the Bullfighting in Donostia
"Without the support of the City Hall, the bullfighting would have happened in Donostia"
  • Donostia Antitaurina Orain, Eguzki and Askekintza have organized a demonstration against bullfights. It will be held on 14 August, coinciding with the beginning of bullfighting.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko abuztuaren 08a
Manifestazioaren antolatzaileek Alderdi Ederren egindako agerraldia. Argazkia: Eguzki.

They have called to mobilize on August 14 against bullfights and the "passivity of the municipal government", from Boulebard of Donostia to Sarriegi Square. According to the organizers, Eneko Goia does not respect "the majority will of the Donostiarras", as Eneko Goia does not share.

According to the 2017 Citizen Perception Survey, 71% of Donostiarras see the use of public resources for bullfights as inappropriate. In fact, the bullring in San Sebastian, in Illumbe, is a public space and they have denounced that the City Hall is "complicit" with the bullfighting.

“It is absolutely wrong that bullfighting should be the result of a mere private initiative. Moreover, without the City Hall’s express support for this initiative, bullfighting in Donostia would be passed,” said Askekintza spokeswoman Itziar Alonso at a hearing in the Alderdi Eder Park.

It has come to pass that the new legislature will begin the same and that the Mayor, Eneko Goia, has "eaten" the word of the Jeltzales. All individuals, associations, agents and cofradías opposed to animals dying for the show and not respecting the word of citizenship have called a demonstration for 14 August at 18:00.