Six books that deserve to be read this summer
  • With the help of ARGIA’s wording, six reading proposals.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko abuztuaren 09a

The subject of transgression. Education as a practice of freedom

Bell Hooks

Translation: Amaia Apaulaza Ollo

Katakrak, 2023

214 pages

Both the one who lived as a student in a school for blacks, and the liberating pedagogy that then led to the practice as a teacher, collected in this book translated to Basque last year the writer, professor and feminist activist Bell Hooks her resistances, fears, errors and fruits. Taking education as its axis, in the classroom dynamics the need to decolonize class, race and gender, marginalized voices and bodies or the revolutionary force of education is mentioned. Mikel Garcia Idiakez

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Garazi Arrula

Txalaparta, 2023

200 pages

I've heard or read many praises about Garazi Arrula's second book of stories: the nausea, the contradictions and the sinks generated by our changing capitalist moment, the wealth of records in their characters, the story about stories, their ability to splash the text with malicious irony, the open ends... However, there is a much simpler but less important reason to read the Earth: immerse yourself in the higher writing, let yourself be carried by the stream and enjoy the pleasure of reading pura.Zigor Olabarria Oleaga

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Transformative economies

Oscar García Jurado and several members of Olatukoop

Olatukoop, 2024

92 pages

More than a book, it's a manual to walk with your hands and dream. Or “a hammer to open cracks,” as it says in the inlet. He reviews some of the economic concepts that we use in the work and construction of our people: capitalist, social, common, feminist economy... What is each and what is not. It also makes proposals from sovereignty and self-organization, from transformation and territories. A gift from Olatukoop to celebrate its 10th anniversary, for all who are available in non-capitalist license P2P.Urko Apaolaza Ávila

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Occupation and colonization of Palestine

Perry Anderson

Translation: Amaia Astobiza e Iñigo Roque

Katakrak, 2024

172 pages

If you want to know the Palestinian history of the twentieth century, read, for example, Palestine, a hundred years of colonialism (Rasihd Khalidi). And to understand what Israel is, the Idea of Israel. A history of power and knowledge (Ilan Pappé). Both are essential books to understand the genocide that Israel is carrying out against the Palestinians. But much shorter, deeper and if you want a good lunch in Basque, Perry Anderson's lunch is great. They are two articles from the New Left Review magazine of 2001 and 2015, and offer key points to understand the history and actuality of this oppressor n.Xabier Letona Biteri

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The people send more

Raquel Varela and Robson Vilalba

Translation: Eskarne Mujika Gallastegi

Txalaparta, 2024

175 pages

This comic book is an invitation to learn about the deepest social revolution of the last decades in Europe, when the 50th anniversary of the Revolution of the Carnations of Portugal is celebrated. But it's not a history book. It tells how the people came to govern, through the experiences of the protagonist José, a true story, which was dedicated to the leftist movements. For me the most unknown: the dimension of the popular power of three years and how reformism managed to stem that dimension. The black and white illustrations by Robson Vilalba represent the story in a very special way. Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena

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All in the Sun (All in the Sun)

Ana Penyas

Salamandra Graphic, 2021

160 pages

Mass tourism, urban speculation and social drama. Penyas will question the gentrification and productive model that the problems of the cities are increasingly being caused by the destruction suffered by the Levantine coast in the 1960s. For decades, the rise of neoliberalism tells us how the expectations and projects of family members will be transformed. A graphic chronicle, as beautiful as the raw one, about those who had to leave their place because of the brick boom. Maitane Gartziandia Agirrezabala