The report was presented by a press conference by José Antonio Fernández de Larrina, member of the team that drafted the study. It calls for the Government to direct its investment in the internship to improve the safety and efficiency of the existing Topo and EuskoTren railways.
Next, the EuskoTren employee, Oskar Bordes, clarifies the deficiencies of EuskoTren based on his professional practice and questions the priority given by the Government to the intern, in line with the conclusions of the study report.
The neighborhood platform Satorralaia, to stop the transit of the metro, participated in the press conference. It states that the technical report has been submitted to the Basque Government and the Basque Railway Network (ETS) and presents the conclusions reached in the report:
1. The report shows that the ETS has lied in attributing inefficiencies to the Amara station because “the biggest security and efficiency problems” are found in East Herrera and West Rekalde. Because these stations “don’t have a double track.”
2. On the other hand, the intern “is not a priority and will not lead to solutions to serious safety and efficiency problems,” according to the report. It is even said that “the intern’s contribution would be insignificant.”
3. “The current Easo station does not cause train changes or loss of time for its users,” the report denounces that the intern is not necessary.
As a result, the report calls for “a halt to the Metro Intern project and a shift in investment towards the safety and efficiency of the rail network.”
Today, for Thursday, “Public Transportation and Metro Intern: Priority or waste?” organized by the platform Satorralaia. The speakers will be employees working in different public transport companies. The round table will take place at 7:00 p.m. in the cinema room of the parish “Karmelitasen”.