Deferred the anniversary of gaztetxe Txorimalo de Getxo
  • Fourteen years have passed since the occupation of the gaztetxe Txorimalo de Getxo. Thus, the members of the self-managed platform have announced that they have decided to postpone the 14th anniversary of the confinement that we are currently experiencing due to the shortage of the scheduled date for the celebration of this anniversary. "Later on we will make the anniversary date known," they announced.
Hiruka .eus Iker Rincon Moreno 2020ko apirilaren 06a
(Argazkia: Txorimalo Gaztetxea)
Statement issued by Gaztetxe Txorimalo:

Aware that little remains for the anniversary date, we have decided to publish something to clarify that we are going to suspend the 14th anniversary.

Especially in the last year, we have been quite concerned because the members of the assembly saw that we were pretty old and maybe the view of the world that we had was outdated; we don't know how to distinguish Bad Gyal and La zowi very well, we're sorry. We also believed that "Tusa" was a new pacifier, a mess.

In addition, in Plaza Txiki Otaegi we started making the assemblies of the fourteenth and the truth is that a lot of people (even if they were not dinosaurs) appeared with beautiful and florid ideas. That is why suspending the anniversary now does not mean that we are not going to do it, we will use the strength we have and, over time, we will organise a celebration in favour of the model we want. Because we cannot secure talks between everyone (concrete people in the assembly are still going to work), because we do not want to fall into inertia behaviors and because we want to ensure collaboration and care for everyone, we will announce the anniversary date later.

Meanwhile, we encourage you to participate in the activities that the different collectives and people who are these days at the Gaztetxe Txorimalo propose that they have long lost shame in the batzokis.