The WHO sets up a health emergency on the occasion of the expansion of the lightning bank
  • The emergency situation has been established by arguing that it aims to avoid the repetition of what happened with Covid-19. The Director of the World Health Organization has added that stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko uztailaren 26a
Infektatutako zelula baten barruan (marroia) dauden tximinoaren baztanga-partikulen (urdinxka) koloreztatutako argazkia. Argazkia: NIAID, Flickr.

The situation of the monkey smallpox virus is a “public health emergency of international concern.” On 23 July, WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus offered a press conference to report on the situation. He stresses that the disease is spreading rapidly throughout the world.

The emergency situation imposed by the WHO is the second in two years and points out that the risk of the virus worldwide is medium, except in Europe, where the risk is high. According to the WHO, “if an emergency is not established and the disease is not dealt with quickly, it risks making the same mistakes as in the battle against Covid-19.”


Ghebreyesus announced at a press conference that most infected people are men who have sex with men. It has therefore stressed the need for countries to provide this group of persons with effective information and services and to take measures to protect their health, dignity and human rights. “Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus,” says the WHO director and calls on institutions, including those with experience with people with AIDS, to work with them to combat this stigma and discrimination.