Just over two months ago, Agent Euskal Herrian Euskaraz was 44 years old. Specifically, on November 4, 1979, the agent was introduced in Durango. Since then, despite changes in times, ways of doing and strategies, the objective of EHE remains: Construction of the Basque Country.
If we look at the beginnings of the agent, José Luis Alvarez Enparantza Txillardegi (1929-2012) is an inescapable character for being one of the ones responsible for the creation of the EHE. We could say, therefore, that we, in some way, are heirs of Txillardegi. Because if the EHE had not been created more than four decades ago, today we would not be writing this article as a member of EHE, nor working on the construction of the Basque Republic in EHE.
Txillardegi has left us arguments, reflections and tools to advance the process of reeuskaldunization
In addition to EHE, Txillardegi has made numerous contributions to Basque society. He is one of the most important thinkers and writers of the 20th century and has been committed to the struggle for the Basque. He placed language at the centre of nationality and proposed new ways of understanding Euskera, away from essentialism. He said, among other things, that the Basque is not the Basque born, but the one who decides to be Basque through an option. Thus, Txillardegi has left us a series of arguments, reflections and tools to advance the revitalization process.
For decades, more or less, EHE has sown its seeds in the construction of the Basque Country. Today we can say that we are in a phase of recovery and recovery from a less favourable situation. Through the Astindu reflection process carried out during the Pandemic, various agent points have been reviewed and measures have been taken to adapt to the current context and now, a young generation takes control of the EHE in order to implement its decisions.
But to know where we are going, it is essential to know where we came from. Therefore, for his work in favor of the Basque Country, it is up to us to acknowledge Txillardegi. Thus, on the one hand, we participate in the request made for years by Txillardegi Udal Liburutegia Herri Ekimena to name Txillardegi to the Central Municipal Library of San Sebastian City Hall. On the other hand, on 14 January it will be twelve years since the death of Txillardegi and we will take part in the commemorative act. From 12:00 hours will take place in the Plaza Txillardegi (Plaza Gascuina) of the Old District of San Sebastian, so if you have pleasure we will see in it.
Luken Etxabe Aizpuru and Intza Gurrutxaga Loidi, members of the Basque Country Herrian Euskaraz.