A tribute to Chile on the twelfth anniversary of its death
  • They underline the contribution of the Euskaltzale and call for the municipal library to be named Txillardegi.
Olatz Balda Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2024ko urtarrilaren 15a
Txillardegiren omenaldia Gaskonia plazan. Argazkia: Joseba Parron San Sebastian

Today, January 12, 2012, Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza, ‘Txillardegi’ died. Since then, family members, friends and Euskaltzales meet each year in Plaza Gaskonia de la Antigua to pay tribute to the Donostian linguist, politician and writer. They have done so today, because hundreds of people have come together to highlight the contribution of the Basque Country and claim the institutional recognition it deserves.

And where does the Txillardegi library have? In view of a banner of the question, this year’s act, after twelve years, has been celebrated to denounce that they are still waiting for the San Sebastian Municipal Library to be named. “We hoped that the events of previous years would make it possible on the tenth anniversary and that the city council would make the recognition that Txillardegi deserves. But, unfortunately, we all know that it was impossible once again”, explains the representatives of Txillardegi, the municipal library.

Kike Amonarriz spoke to explain how Txillardegi felt. The front-line militant, José Luis, besides being a reference throughout his life, personally met Basque philology during his studies: “He was one of our closest teachers. It also gave us its inner strength and that vital force.” He has also taken a retrospective look to highlight the great contribution made throughout life in the socio-linguistic field and to claim a good tribute: “I believe that in this way what Txillardegi has given us is so much, that this public recognition is more evident is also denounceable.”

Intza Gurrutxaga, from the Euskal Herrian Euskaraz (EHE) association, has also taken the word to explain the changes and advances that the association has experienced for four decades: “The objective, unfortunately, remains: the revitalization of the Basque Country.” In any case, during that time, Txillardegi and the rest of the Basque Country have praised the work done and have joined the request for change of name of the municipal library.

In Gaskonia Square, music and dance have been interspersed with the rapporteurs. Peru Aiartza has offered verses to the Basque Country and the Txistulari Janitz Enparantza and the dancer Natale Bueno have made an aurresku of honor and a floral offering. They have also, like every year, planted heather plants and finished the tribute with a bertso created for the popular initiative by the bertsolaris Unai and Beñat Gaztelumendi.

Impulse of the Basque Country

Amonarriz and Gurrutxaga encourage the use of the Basque language when speaking. “We must remember that the history of the Basque Country is the history of constant judicial aggression, which has changed in intensity and form according to the time”. In any case, he pointed out that this last wave has “taken on special characteristics”, stating that those who hinder progress have the objective of “treating Basque as a secondary language”. In this regard, Amonarriz has conveyed his message of joining forces and promoting social activation.

The same has been said by Gurrutxaga. He says that “lately the aggression coming from the courts is reaching the point.” He also explains that these attacks “are not understood as isolated but as a consequence of a strategy or way of doing”. However, he has assured that the aggression is not only judicial, but also political and media, among other things because the educational system “has left many children without Euskaldunize”.

Next, a selection of images from the tribute: