Social network X will collect biometric data from users in the name of security
  • The social network X (hitherto known as Twitter) has modified its privacy policy and will incorporate the physical characteristics of users through, among other things, facial knowledge.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 06a

Social network X announces that it will receive biometric data from users. Biometric information gathers physical characteristics of people, such as facial patterns, fingerprints or iris. The news can be read in the English version of the social network.

X explains that he will use this data to "improve the security" of the platform. Users who pay the platform, i.e. who subscribe XPremium, will be able to use facial knowledge every time they log in. "This will make it easier for X to face attempts to represent identity."

The update will enter into force on 29 September and has raised doubts about it, as the privacy policy does not specify the biometric data it will use. However, CBS anticipates that it will only receive biometric information from XPremium users.

The platform also wants to offer more news. Elon Muskiz has announced that video calls will soon be possible from which X will also be able to receive biometric information. In addition to this data, it will contain labor and academic data.

Also in Meta-n, paid subscription

In addition to X, Meta will offer the payment subscription, as The New York Times has broadcast. Meta owns Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. Users who pay will not receive advertising on Facebook and Instagram and the multinational will not collect their personal data.