The Baztan City Council approved the Special Plan for the Regulation and Organization of the Use of Tourist Accommodation in its plenary session on Thursday. The initiative had 9 votes in favor (EH Reunite and Contigo Baztan), 3 votes against (UPN and Baztan Independentists) and only one abstention (Future Yes). At the same meeting, the ordinance regulating the municipal census of tourist accommodation in Baztan was also approved, with 9 votes in favour (EH Reunidos y Contigo Baztan), 2 against (UPN and Baztan Independents) and 2 abstentions (GeroaBai and Baztan Idependientes).
They indicate that the Special Plan and the Census Ordinance have been prepared by the Felipe Saragueta Consultancy, the Rehabite Technical Consultancy and the Research Group. This plan proposes measures such as the zoning of the region in barracks such as Baztanbihar, Elizondo, Erberea and Basaburua and the regulation of the opening of new tourist accommodation according to sustainability indicators.
Among the most important aspects, three sustainability indicators have been defined. The first sets the limit of 34 accommodation places per 100 inhabitants, while the second states that non-main dwellings should not exceed 35% of the total. Finally, the third indicator regulates the spatial density, allowing a maximum of 10 beds per square kilometre. If two of these three indicators exceed the set limits, no new openings will be allowed until the values are again within the set parameters.
Another notable measure is the limitation of high-density, concentrated establishments with more than 50 beds, which will be limited to only one establishment per headquarters. In order to ensure proper control, all tourist accommodation must be registered in the municipal register.