- All of a sudden! the second of the collective comic book, around the theme "zu"
  • The second comic of the Tupust! collective, which works in Basque and from a feminist point of view, is already in the oven. If the first referred to the "I," the second dealt with the theme "you." It will be on sale in advance until 30 September.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 26a

The group of creators and illustrators was founded in 2016 in Donostia-San Sebastián and in 2019 published Tupust! First issue of the comic book collection, with the editorial Txalaparta.

They have opted for self-editing for the second book, and on that path they have already begun to predict. It is available on Instagram (@tupustaldea) or on the website The first 200 sales will also receive the poster Risography and the sheet size A5 signed by the illustrator Ainara Azpiazu Axpi.

The illustrator Ainara Azpiazu Axpi stresses that this anthology "goes beyond the normal", since "most of what is on the market are works performed by men". This is explained to the journalist of Berria Amaia Igartua: "As in many other areas, there have always been women making comics. What happens is that those voices have not been given room in the plaza, and it's time for them to have it. (...) I don't mean that everything men do is the same, but there are styles that dominate. We drink from other sources, and that is why our own are proposals of a different kind, from a thematic, narrative and aesthetic point of view".

However, he believes that publishers are making a greater commitment to female comics and that the sector "is gradually improving".

If in the first number they highlighted the green and red tone, the second is characterized by blue and orange.

The second book contains 17 works by 21 creators and creators.

List of authors:
  • Irati F.G. and Regina Salcedo
  • Irati Eguren
  • Maitane Gartziandia and Aintzane Usandizaga
  • Maite Caballero
  • Maite Gurrutxaga e Irati Jimenez
  • Mikel Larraioz
  • Ainara Azpiazu Aduriz Axpi
  • Ane Zaldibar
  • Wednesday Command (Maddi Zumalabe and Jon Aranuren)
  • Dominique Campistron Dom
  • Irkus Zeberio
  • Josune Urrutia
  • Loinaz Lekuona
  • Paula Estévez
  • Raisa Alava
  • Susanna Martín
  • Yolanda Mosquera