Wednesday’s mobilisation to support young people who have a four-year and seven-month criminal suit for participating in the Tubacex strike
  • On Monday, 18 September, the trial of the three young people will take place. The prosecutor's office asks for four years and seven months in prison. Two strikers will be tried shortly.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea Aitor Aspuru Saez 2023ko irailaren 13a

In 2021, Tubacex’s strike lasted for almost eight months in Ayala, but its influence has not completely disappeared. In fact, on Monday, September 18, three young people in the region face accusations of four years and seven months in the Court of Vitoria. These are the biggest demands associated with the strike, although in total they accumulate more than 20 years among all defendants.

The Ertzaintza accuses them of forming an organized group to provoke strikes, but the young people have rejected the accusations and stressed that they were not known at this time. In particular, the police want to hold them accountable for the conflicts that took place on 25 March in the Amurrio factory portal.

Two young people to be tried have explained to Aiaraldea Komunikabideak that when the most serious incidents occurred, they were not at the entrance of the Amurrio plant, and came later.

On 11 June, he concentrated on denouncing the trial of a Tubacex worker and criticised the request for "unfair penalties" against the non-workers of the company for a dual purpose. On the one hand, "selling that the incidents that occurred in the protests were caused by citizens outside the strike". On the other hand, criminalise the fight and avoid social and civic protection.

Two previous and soon another

In any case, this is not the first judgment related to the labor conflict. Moreover, the organizers of tomorrow's concentration have anticipated that there will soon be a new trial against two workers. In fact, with these two quotations they expect an end to the repressive era in the courts, as two workers had previously been in the same port.

The first striker testified to him before the judge on 7 November 2022 and was acquitted. In fact, the judge questioned some points in the Ertzaintza version and declared the Amurrio factory member innocent. The police accused the woman of beating an agent in a rally held on 17 June 2021 before the Amurrio courts.

The other trial took place this year, on 15 June, when another Laudio worker faced a 21-month conviction request. The Ertzaintza accused him of attack and resistance to authority, but only the judge proved his resistance during the arrest. However, the laudioarra working in Tubacex presents an appeal.