The Tubacex Works Council says it has no official knowledge of the multinational's intention to withdraw the appeal
  • The Works Council was surprised at the last press release issued by the multinational. In the absence of an official communication on the situation in Tubacex, the workers have stressed that the solution to the labour dispute must be dealt with at a negotiating table.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte 2021eko irailaren 10
Grebalariek protesta egin dute aste honetan Tubacexek Derion dituen bulegoen aurrean. /

After concluding without agreement the negotiation of the Temporary Employment Regulation Dossier (ERTE) and after Tubacex rejected the workers’ proposals, the multinational’s leadership yesterday issued a press release opening a room for withdrawal of the appeal before the Supreme Court. It made it a condition that the trade unions accept the "structural measures" that the multinational has not yet specified.

The Works Committee has expressed its surprise at the company’s latest statements in the face of the incidents. In fact, the multinational has not made that statement at all during the last negotiating process, even though the workers have put the debate on the table. The workers have explained that they have not received any official notification of the possibility of withdrawing the appeal: "We don't know if it's an option or a new face wash from the company," he added.

The workers' representatives have thus reiterated their willingness to find a solution to the conflict which has already lasted for 211 days: "It is up to the two sides to seek a solution to the labour dispute, and that needs to be done at a negotiating table," he added.

Sicilian Mafia

Two days ago, the president of the Alavesa employers accused the Tubacex trade unions of "Sicilian mafia" practices. In a note by the Works Council, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country regretted these manifestations by understanding that the judgment annulled the employment regulation dossier applied by the multinational, proposing instead a Temporary Employment Regulation dossier. "Consequently, these declarations have no place in this process, unless they are made with a malicious and interested intention," the workers' representatives stressed.

The Works Council, as it has done so far, has stressed that it will continue to make public its position and its actions: "So everyone knows what our position is."