The Letter of Social Rights of the Basque Country proposes a quote to think together about the ecosocial transition
  • On 30 September, the initiative "El Mar de los Fuegos Menor", which aims to be a space of confluence, will be held in the Sorcerer ON of Ozaeta. They stress the importance of partnerships between the different agents.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2023ko ekainaren 15

In Vitoria-Gasteiz, many of the actors who make up the Charter of Social Rights of Euskal Herria have appeared to present the “The Sea of the Small Fires” initiative. The Charter of Social Rights has organized a meeting between the social and trade union agents of the Basque Country and the social movements to “strengthen ties and create synergies”.

It is convened with the objective of discussing the main axes and fundamental demands for a fair eco-social transition and consensus on the common ground. On 30 September, Sorcerer Garaia will discuss the existence of a shared social agenda to promote this transition in the most ‘coactive’ way. They ask that the date be kept.

The organization invites participation in the process of preparing the debate. They will launch a process based on the logic ‘Speech and Listening’ to build the basis of the debate among as many actors as possible, then share and deepen on 30 September. They say that they are convinced that ‘the sea of small fires must be turned on’, to think together about the eco-social transition and to act together in its construction.