Concentration in Baiona for the rights of the Transs, coinciding with the call of 800 agents
  • On 5 May 800 agents call to mobilize through an opinion article published in the Politis media. Among them are the writer Annie Ernaux, the association Act Up against AIDS, the well-known feminist group Planning Familial, the deputy Clémentine Autain, the association Espace Santé Trans for trans rights and the Manifesto XXI media.
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800 agents of the French State have called for a mobilisation against growing transphobia by 5 May. Jewelry, Family Planning or others, have also opened the call in the Northern Basque Country and have given an appointment for Sunday at 12:00 in front of the City of Baiona. In both the capital of Lapurdi and 30 other cities, each will go out into the streets in favor of the right to emancipate.

At a time when the rise in attacks on transactions is evident, two events have triggered this joint response. On the one hand, the Republican’s proposal for a law of senators on the right side would prohibit minors from processing the transaction. In addition, the text would entail a strengthening of psychiatric control over trans children and a prison sentence of up to two years for doctors attending them. The extreme right has a similar text in Parliament. "They have children as a destination, but they're not going to stay there. The Republican report already raises the possibility of banning any transition for adults under 25. (...) Its logic, in short, is to prohibit any possibility of transition, whatever its age," can be read in Politis's paper.

On the other hand, the publication of the transfobo book Transmania, promoted by the extreme right, has also aroused anger and concern. It is a book published by Dora Moutot and Marguerite Stern, a journalist written in the field of feminism and a former member of the Femen group. The book offers an extreme reading against transactions based on essentialist discourse.

Beyond the French state, the 800 signatories stress the need to deal with international transphobia: "In the United Kingdom, Québec, Italy, Norway, Finland, Switzerland... it is warned that the attack on the transaction will be one of the main axes of the reactionaries of the coming months and years. We have no illusion about the concern of the right and the extreme right for the health of children. Its aim is to strengthen sexual division, attacking the rights of young people and maintaining the mutilations of intersex children. "Entering a new crisis of the capitalist system, its objective is to create an 'internal enemy', so that the oppressed are divided among them".

The 800 signatories underline the need to organize collectively and through alliances to deal with these transphobic attacks.