Chronicle of the Argia Awards
Observing the new traditions
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko urtarrilaren 26a
Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY SA

Ion Celestino said in ARGIA that folklore was that thing that has crystallized. And he said tradition is the flower that gives a certain moment.

The ARGIA awards have become a “tradition” today. To begin with, and without thinking too much, because they have been distributed for 35 years. A tradition that has become traditional, therefore, for some, and also reactionary, because they are concepts that closely relate to each other. But every year a small flower is fertilized. The land is old, but it still gives if we take care of it.

It's an ancient story, but putting back on a table former subscribers who fulfill a close and important part of the history of ARGIA, unknown to each other, is like fertilizing a flower. They are the ones who have cared for the community and have given them reason to move forward. We learned that things have not changed so much today.

For many years now, some have wanted to reserve a biosphere from the West Basque Country, but they have not succeeded and they are not going to stop, nor are they citizens. The West will have something, notice what is happening in the Sahara, and how they follow it. They also wanted to bury the Basque people, many more than some, and they didn't. The next century, I'm sure we're also going to do the stories of current oppression. And Egia will already have thousands of old memory documents. But let us hope that by then the Basques of culture will live quieter in the roles. Things don't change, faces change.

ARGIA has new faces. The working team has grown and rejuvenated in the last year, has gained concepts and projects, has made synergies and has incorporated new signatures, but has also lost. Pello Zubiria is about to retire very well, and in ARGIA, like the water cycle, in principle the last Larruna, new things will emerge. If we take care of the land, journalism in Basque will also germinate. For the moment, it is taking steps.