Remember the Tour in Algorta
  • On Sunday in the Old Port of Algorta a commemorative act of eight years of struggle between Basque prisoners was held. Tosu's tent was first occupied in 2011. Since then, environmentalists have made a long journey. @topatu_eus 2019ko abuztuaren 13a
Argazkiak: @tosubizirik

On Sunday, the Tosu Betirako platform organised an event and a trikipoteo with the aim of paying tribute to the fight that began in 2011. "In 2011, which is now far away, our journey began when madmen occupied Tosuko's tent. Since then, and through many initiatives, we have grown a lot, not only politically, but also personally."

They met in the Old Port of Algorta and accompanied by the trikitixa and the pandero, they came to the park of Generatxu to perform an act in the recovered Okarondo 2017.El December 16, 2017 some 200 people moved from Bidezabal to Tosu to denounce the works of the Ibarbengoa car park that they wanted to build there. When they came to the construction site, the machines picked up a tree taken from the earth and, after crossing all Algorta, deposited it in the Batzoki as a "Christmas gift" to the mayor. Subsequently, the members of the platform recovered the tree deposited in the Batzoki and planted it in the Old Port.

In this way, they wanted to close an eight-year cycle: "We've left a lot of strength and a lot of time on the road, but it's much more what we've achieved and what we've created. For all the lost, but especially for the earned, Touch forever!