Torrealdai Scholarship, second edition, for cultural research
  • The Joan Mari Torrealdai Scholarship was born with the objective of promoting research and cultural projects, especially in the main areas worked by Joan Mari Torrealdai. In this second edition of 2024, Jakin Fundazioa and the City Council of Usurbil have ratified the call and the scholarship will focus on the study of Basque culture.
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The projects will be presented until 21 October and the winner will receive €14,000. Conditions are laid down in the bases, but below are a few points:

  • The result of the reflections or research carried out through the scholarship may have different forms: book, audiovisual, web, exhibition…
  • The work carried out in the framework of the scholarship will be in Basque.
  • The result will be informative and special attention will be paid to adapting work to social integration.
  • Participants may submit to the call individually or in groups.

The organization has insinuated that Joan Mari Torrealdai devoted much of his work to the research of the Basque book, being this one of the topics that can be worked with the scholarship (the proposals can throw that and other bulls).

Review of the analysis of editorial production itself. the study of current editorial production. What methodological reviews do you request after five decades? What can Digital Humanities contribute to this type of research and data processing? What does a five-decade data stream tell us? Beyond production, what is the book circuit in Basque? What about consumption?

Likewise, the proposals can bring the spirit of the study that Joan Mari Torrealdai carried out in the production of books to another area of cultural production in Basque: creation of content in the network, cinema, music, performing arts…

For more information, here.