Torra will not convene elections in Catalonia until after the crisis
  • The elections would be causing "cruel competition" between parties on behalf of the Catalan President, when "cooperation" is more necessary to reach agreements. It has called for the country to be placed above political parties and political parties.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 17a
Argazkia: eitb.

The Catalan president, Quim Torra, has announced in a paper published in La Vanguardia that he will not convene elections until the end of the health crisis in Catalonia. "Now is not the time to push the country, the institutions and the parties into an electoral process that destroys the Parliament of Catalonia and its legislative capacity, turning the time for cooperation into a competition ruled out by partisan interests. Now we have to put the country ahead of the political parties. Responsibility and rigour.

Torra has been in office for two years after winning the December 2017 election: “They are two years marked by the violation of human rights and fundamental rights, from 155.arekin until now with the state of alarm, including trials, jails and shameful exiles.” In the absence of two years for the end of the legislature, the elections were scheduled for spring, following the adoption of the budgets and the public "end of the mandate". The Cronavirus crisis has transformed that idea. Several ERC members have asked Torra, in the last week, to set the election date. In an interview published today by the Ara newspaper, Oriol Junqueras has asked for the same, and has told him that this date should not be imminent.