The Market of Tolosa will take place once the streets have been disinfected, not today
  • The Town Hall of Tolosa has reported that it has decided to suspend the fair on Saturday, 21 March. "Following the latest instructions from the Ministry of Health received yesterday at noon, the planned extraordinary fair will not be held tomorrow," he said.
Tolosaldeko Ataria @tolosaldeataria 2020ko martxoaren 21
(Argazkia: Tolosaldeko Ataria)

According to the latest instructions from the Ministry of Health, the road cleaning must be carried out with disinfectants, so that the street sale will no longer be allowed. That is why the City of Tolosa has decided to suspend the fair scheduled for tomorrow. "It will not be possible to buy food from local producers tomorrow," the consistory said in a statement.

"With regard to road cleaning, the City Hall has already begun cleaning some areas of the town with disinfectant products, mainly commercial and outpatient areas. In the coming days, according to the latest instructions, all the streets will be disinfected," he added.

From the City Hall they wanted to make it clear that the extraordinary fair was to be held with all the guarantees of safety and health, with the agreement of all the municipal representatives, a strict protocol and the approval and authorization of the Department of Health, but "due to the latest news and acting responsibly as before, the extraordinary fair has been suspended". "The City Hall will analyze and take the necessary measures in the Prevention Bureau day by day, because the priority of this city hall is to ensure the health of all tolosarras."