Laudio Ikastola bets on local organic foods
  • From February onwards, organic foods have been incorporated into the school and will be sought “to increase the basket of food of origin Kilometer 0”. In addition, in the centre they will try to make days that do not have plastic also become inoperative.
Julen Solaun Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2020ko otsailaren 25
Elikagai ekologikoen aldeko apustua egingo dute Laudio Ikastolan. /

Organic foods have begun to be used in the dining menu of the Ikastola Laudio in February. In addition, the center’s other goal is “to increase the basket of food of origin Kilometer 0” they use in their daily lives, as indicated in a statement.

In this sense, they have pointed out that they already allocate "65% of the purchases" to nearby suppliers, "with an annual expenditure in the region above 80,000 euros".

The supply of vegetables on the first plate to include organic foods in the students’ diet includes, among others, “ecological cauliflower or puree made exclusively from organic vegetables”.

To this end, they explained that they have come to “local producers” and that the project has begun with the agricultural exploitation of the Kasille farmhouse in Josemi Atxa.

As for the food of kilometer 0, it is said that they use Okondo eggs, Llodio broths or Orozko chorizos, among others.

In the dairy sector, for example, they have specified that they will start offering Goiuri cheese on a regular basis. However, other dairy products were already prepared in the kitchen of the ikastola.

It should be noted that ikastola prepares 540 menus every day, “on average 65% of the students”. On the other hand, within the framework of the Agenda 21 School program, the goal will be to carry out “days without plastic” in the dining room.