Timochenko and Lozada state that most former FARC guerrillas are "for peace"
  • Timochenko and Lozada condemned the statements by Ivan Márquez and Santrich, and reiterated that they are "in favour of peace".
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko abuztuaren 30
Gerrillarien arma kontzentrazio batean.

Rodrigo Londoño, known as "Timochenko", the best known face of the peace agreements between the FARC-EP and the Government of Colombia, has condemned the statements of Iván Márquez and has apologized: “We are in favour of peace and reconciliation; I am ashamed,” said the former guerrilla.

The FARC has also condemned the return to armed struggle: “Most of us are in favour of what was agreed; we will defend peace in the face of all the difficulties and risks that are coming,” Timochenko said on Twitter.

For his part, the leader of the FARC has stated that those who have decided to return to the armed struggle are a minority: “More than 90% of the former guerrillas are in favour of a peace agreement; here we are the majority and the best,” said Timochenko.

On the other hand, he has asked the Colombian President, Ivan Duque, unity to send a "message of optimism" to the former guerrillas who continue to bet on the peace process.