Tik Tok, High School Leader, Instagram University
  • The study conducted by Ikusiker gathers the habits of young people in audiovisual consumption and in the use of information and communication technologies in Hego Euskal Herria. It is based on a questionnaire answered by 4,000 students of Compulsory Secondary Education and University.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 22a
Gazteak mugikorrekin. Argazkia: EITB.

The most used networks among young people are WhatsApp and Instagram, which are attended by 82.8% and 81.4% of students respectively, followed by Tik Tok and Youtube, 62.5% and 43.7%. The next one is Twitter, but only 13.3% of young people use it.

Ikusiker is an Audiovisual Observatory that has analyzed the functions of the Social Networks that use their research: Most of Instagram uses it to spend time and be in touch with friends. The main topic on Youtube is music and also youtubers.

The consumption of these social networks is in Spanish (77.8%) and English (15.2%) and in Basque (2.4%).

Differences between ESO and University students

The study is divided into two age groups: 11-17 years (ESO) and 18-23 (University). Among high school students, Tik Tok is used more than university students: 81.6% of the respondents have it and 66.1% of those from the university.

The opposite happens in podcasts. College students listen more than high school students: 59.9%. 36.2% of ESO students listen.

Streaming platforms are also widely used: Netflix is the most widely used (77.3%), followed by Amazon Prime Video (60.9%), Disney+ (39.1%), Movistar + (31.7%) and HBO (29.3%). Its use is frequent between 2 and 5 times a week. Most contents are seen in Spanish, to a lesser extent in English, and the Basque country has very little presence, only 0.3%.

What agents form Ikusi?

The Ikusiker agents who conducted 4,065 surveys among ESO students and the University of Hego Euskal Herria for this research are: Research Group NOR, EITB, Tabakalera and Basque Observatories of Culture.