The United States takes the first steps to ban Tik Tok
  • The well-known social network Tik Tok belongs to Chinese companies ByteDance, and according to the bill passed by the US House of Delegates, it will force the company to sell it within six months or the social network will be banned in the US.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko martxoaren 19a

The technology Arlo is one of the main areas to win the global competition of hegemony, which in the US is very present in recent years. In all areas, the fight against China’s interests has been launched, and on that road too Tik To has drawn attention.

The measure was adopted by a large majority, with 352 votes in favour and 65 against. If the initiative is approved by the Senate and later Joe Bide’s President takes over, the Chinese company will have to find a U.S. buyer to continue working in the country.

The Wall Street Journal explained that the Chinese Government does not agree with the Washington measure. Beijing, according to sources consulted by the newspaper, will not accept Tik Tok being forced to sell. If the project eventually becomes law, the Asian giant preferred a ban before the social network ended up in the hands of an American tech company.

Shadow of prohibition

The loss of the US market would be a major economic blow to ByteDance. Last year he won 20,000 million dollars in the United States. According to data provided by the Statista website, the United States is the country of the world with the most users, apart from the Chinese version of the application called Douyin. 148 million users, followed by Indonesia with 126 million and Brazil with 98 million.

However, the situation makes some entrepreneurs move to try to get the social network. The U.S. media has mainly featured banker Steven Mnuchin, who was Treasury Secretary in the Donald Trump administration and former CEO of Bobby Kotick Activision Blizzard. But how much is Tik Toki worth? According to analyst Dan Ives, it would be over $100 billion.