Ribera, PSOE: "Progressive government support is ratified"
  • Socialist candidate Teresa Ribera has valued at the headquarters of the PSOE and has ensured that it will remain a “containment dam” to the far-right. He accuses the PP of having used the European elections to challenge the president: “Feijoo has tried to raise these elections as a plebiscite against the president, but it has become clear that he has failed.”
ARGIA @argia 2024ko ekainaren 10a

The PSOE candidate applauded the acquisition of 20 Members and recalled that the Socialists have repeated the result of the Spanish General Elections of 2023, which has confirmed Pedro Sánchez’s “progressive government support”. He acknowledges the result of the PP, but adds that the Feijoo party has done nothing but take the seats of Citizens, and that they have not grown any more.

However, he warns that the Socialists will not “settle” with the result and will continue to work “to stop the reactionary wave that comes with force”. He stresses that “they have a huge responsibility” in Europe and Spain. It says that they are going to defend the “European government” and that they are going to send a message for the negotiations: “Let no one count on us if they want to put the right end into the equation of European governance.” It calls on Feijoo to make it clear where they are going to be put in the negotiations.

Ribera has pointed out that the fact that the turnout is around 50% has shown that they still have to do "pedagogy" to "bring Brussels closer to citizenship" and explain why the European elections are important. Remember what the PSOE will defend in Europe: A social Europe committed to the Green Agenda, peace, the defence of human rights and international law.