Moments of tension between the Municipal Police and the divers in Pamplona due to the issue of the ikurriñas
  • The Municipal Police has identified a corridor of the Pamplona lockdown in relation to the problem of the ikurriñas of the Saturday sucking. The Municipal Police has denounced two other people who had complained about their identification and a third person has been punched in his face.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko uztailaren 09a
Udaltzainak muturrekoa eman ostean, horrela geratu da pertsona bat.

Before the lockdown, some runners perceived that several people had followed them, as reported by the Basque Department of Security. At one point, they realized that one of the persecuted was looking on his cell phone at the image of the ikurrina. Once the lockdown has started, local police officers of Paisano have held one of the divers to identify him. The people who were in the area have come to see what was going on and complain.

Two people who had complained and wanted to identify have been transferred by the agents to the back of the City Hall. At that time, according to eyewitnesses, an agent of the Municipal Police has punctuated one of those involved. The person has fallen to the ground and, after passing to the situation of danger, has been injured. In fact, if there is a loose bull, the oxen that are released to take it were about to arrive.

Finally, the identified and reported persons have been fined between EUR 150 and EUR 600 and released on charges of evasion.