Increased tension between the two Korean States
  • North Korea has demolished the border liaison office in response to the "provocations" it has received from South Korea in recent weeks.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko ekainaren 16a
Lotura-bulegoaren suntsipena. Argazkia: Reuters Argazkia: Reuters

North Korea has destroyed the liaison office of Kaesong, a building that served to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries, as reported by South Korean media JTB. Since the signing of the 2018 Panmunju Declaration, it has served as an embassy in the 38th Parallel Demilitarized Zone. This action therefore represents a departure from the relations of Seoul and Pionyang, as announced by the North Koreans on 8 June.

For its part, the South Korean Government has convened the National Security Council in the context of the events. Pionyang has denounced that Seoul "does not do enough" to prevent the release of leaflets by deserter groups to the north. North Korea has identified that these activities "violate" the agreements reached in recent years in 2018.