Thousands of men have shared on Telegram information about how women are drugged and raped, according to a study
  • Over 70,000 men around the world participate in a chat group to talk about how to drug and rape women. Two journalists from the German public radio ARD have carried out an investigation for a year and have shown that in some cases the victims were their partners, their sisters and their mothers.  

Julene Flamarique 2024ko abenduaren 23a
Ikerlariek urtebete eman dute Telegram kanaletan infiltratuta. STRG_F

This week, the German public radio ARD reported on a criminal network in which, through an investigation, it participated. As he explained, tens of thousands of men use Telegram equipment to share information about how women are drugged and how they are attacked. The ARD chain research team has been incorporated over a year into several groups of the messaging platform. In these spaces, it has been shown that thousands of men share concrete guidelines on how to carry out the aggressions and where to get the substances needed to give the victims tranquilizers.

Journalists Isabel Beer and Isabel Ströh, responsible for the project, have shown that there are groups of thousands of men who explain how to commit the violations and that in one of them, the Rape Chat, there are more than 70,000 men, according to La Vanguardia. The researchers were able to gather images and videos that were exchanged with these men, including those showing the sexual assaults that had been committed. Screenshots disseminated by journalists on social media indicate that some users offered their partners and other close relatives, including their mothers, as victims of rape. These are events that evoke the case of Dominique Pelicot, which was mentioned in the chats. In addition, the attackers also shared links to websites for the purchase of narcotics, which were presented as personal care products, such as hair treatments, etc.

The Telegraph newspaper has gathered a statement from Telegram stating that it maintains "a policy of zero tolerance" in the face of the misuse of the platform and that it will take action against users who disseminate this type of content.