They organize the 'Green Tartanga Day' to fight the urbanization project of the Altzaga district of Erandio
  • On 12 June, the Tartanga Berdea popular initiative will call for the protection of a single green area in the neighbourhood and a concentration will also take place.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 10
Tartanga ingurunea babesteko mosaikoa egiten(argazkia: Hiruka / Tartanga Berdea)

The citizens' initiative Tartanga Berdea called a rally on June 12 to protest the urbanization project of the Altzaga neighborhood of Erandio. They want to build more than 400 homes in a single green area of the neighborhood, and the association has called for "claiming health, leisure and public land."

The Hiru medium has taken up the opinion of the members of Tartanga Berdea and stated that it is unacceptable that the only natural area of the neighborhood should be lost: "In the long weeks of confinement and in the months that followed, more and more people have realized the value of these lands for our neighborhood." In order to claim it, the Tartanga Berdea Day has been organised for the second time, and various activities will be held on Saturday at the Berdegune in Altzaga. At ten in the morning trees will be planted and the surrounding area will be cleaned; at twelve, children and sports activities will be carried out; and at one and a half, a kalejira will be carried out in the neighborhood.

The City Council of Erandio has developed the development project in collaboration with the company Azpiegiturak of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. In a total of 20,000 square meters, 350 official protection homes and other VPO floors that are valued in the area will be built. In the face of this situation, the public has complained about what happened. More than 1,300 firms are calling for the project to be halted, but since they have not received a response, the Tartanga Berdea initiative has announced that it will organise more concentrations and more activities at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao.

They have also spoken against the party won Erandio and the coalition EH Bildu de Erandio (Bizkaia). The latter has asked the local executive council to renegotiate the agreement signed with the infrastructure company or to seek ways to minimize the impact the project may have. In fact, according to the processing times of the administrative process, there are still two years left for building construction to begin.

Long process

The process began in July 2019, when the PNV and the PSE-EE approved the urbanization plan. However, the project is much earlier: In 2011, several surveys carried out by the construction company Abaroa caused structural problems in a housing block, and several families were left homeless. Families want to relocate to the apartments to be built in the Altzaga neighborhood.

But there are many factors that you don't see with good eyes, because you think there's a trap behind it. EH Bildu denounced on his Facebook account on May 13 that the City of Erandio awarded the public land to the infrastructure company, which will benefit financially, as in addition to the apartments destined for the families who were left homeless, he will sell others that are built.