Jabi Elorza Antia 2024ko ekainaren 27a

The new word that we have heard in recent years: delay. I suspect that there will be changes in place. I only know that of Bilbao, and it seems very simple: those of us who are of an age, we have named ourselves the name of what we did the first night, that is, and, in short, do a juerga in the afternoon.

Apparently, the people of Euskal Herria have not invented it, like most things, we have brought it out and adapted it in our own way. However, it has entered Bilbao strongly, and on Saturdays in the afternoon, pubs and bars have refilled with individuals we were born in the 1970-80’s. It's curious to see at six o'clock in the afternoon, still in the day, opening a pub door, entering and drinking and dancing like hours of night. I recommend it to those who have never seen anything like that. Because it creates a sensation similar to what you have with virtual reality glasses.

But maybe that's not the most eye-catching thing. The Tardeo, as its name suggests, should be only in the afternoon, isn't it? No, most of the time it extends to a few hours of the night. The Tardeoa, therefore, seems only a pretext for prolonging the party. We don't settle for the night and we've taken the afternoon to spend more holiday hours.

Many times I've thought that our generation is an exceptional thing, which is a party hobby. Our parents weren't going out when we were young, but we were still there, like when we were 20 years old.

Last Saturday, for the first time in a long time, I approached my friends, towards twelve o'clock in the evening, to a typical pub near the gardens of Albia, after walking all afternoon in the evenings. I've always said the pub because 30 years ago we were also going there. The atmosphere was frightening. There were all the “youths” between the ages of 40 and 60 who had been in the Tardeo. Most of them were well-animated, happy, some trying to link, and most of those who danced the music of our time, those who wanted to link and those who didn't want.

- Do you work or are you already retired? -- a friend's joke at the age of the ones we were here.

After laughing hard, because we, after the delay, were very happy, I came up with an idea: we are not to retire, but perhaps if we continue on this march, the same speakers will continue to join us in the places we always had, and then yes, we will ask ourselves if we are retired.

However, I believe that we will have to leave the afternoon to the generations who come behind, because they will occupy our place in the afternoon and then, will we be out of play again? Will we have to invent something else? Mañanana? I don't want to think about it. We are able to run around, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

Many times I've thought that our generation is an exceptional thing, which is a party hobby. Our parents weren't going out when we were young, but we're still there, on the front line, like when we were 20 years old. Why? I don't know, that should be investigated by sociologists, but that's right.

Jabi Elorza