The TaPuntu cooperative will support the Biziberritzen project for a year
  • The TaPuntu cooperative awards a project every two years and the promoters receive the necessary resources to continue advancing their project for a year. The winner of the 2021-2022 period has been revitalized. The main objective of developers Larraitz Esnaola and Alexander Barandiaran is to reuse and make available to the educational world the superfluous and defective materials of companies. ARGIA and the PuntuEUS Foundation collaborate with the event.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 29a
Larraitz Esnaola eta Alexander Barandiaran 'Esperimentazioan sakonduz biziberritu' (Hik Hasi) liburuaren aurkezpenean. Argazkia: Hik Hasi.

The Biziberritzen project has been selected from three finalist projects. The other two have been the Mauritania/Euskadi Socio-Cultural Association and the IƱurri Cancer Association.

The aim of Biziberritu is to reuse and make available to the educational world the redundant and defective materials of companies. By pulling this thread, they advise education professionals to reflect on the possibilities of using this material. They propose opening the doors to experimentation and creativity. In the opinion of the promoters, the project is very important for society because it is committed to sustainability and the reuse of waste from companies.

The Biziberritzen project should help achieve external visibility in the following areas: social networks, logo, name, advertising, communication, design, templates and document matching. You'll be joined by the TaPuntu cooperative.