A 17-year-old girl denounces sexual assault in Plentzia
  • The 17-year-old getxo has denounced having suffered a sexual assault on the night of Saturday through Sunday in Getxo. The Ertzaintza investigates whether it is a group rape, so it has opened a complaint for sexual assault. There are no detainees.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 30
Elkarretaratzea egin zuten igandean Plentzian. Argazkia: @mikel_bengo.

According to reports from the Basque Department of Security, the 17-year-old has filed a complaint this Sunday (29 August) at the police station in Plentzia. According to the information provided by the City of Plentzia, the aggression occurred at 2:30 hours and the Ertzaintza investigates whether it is a violation.

The feminist movement of Plentzia and Gorliz, Sorginen Alabak, convened a rally on Sunday afternoon and hundreds of people denounced what happened in the port of Plentzia. Under the slogan “Enough!”.

Representatives of the City of Plentzia will meet on Monday morning to agree a statement on the event.

Another attack in Lapurdi

A minor reported that last Saturday a man asked him to do touching and to have sex in the house. The aggression occurred during the patron saint festivities of Itsasu (Lapurdi), and the party commission and the collective Femin HItza convened a concentration to denounce the sexist aggressions that are repeated in the festivities. Over a hundred people congregated in Mairie Square under the motto No Itsasun no nehun.