Six detainees for group rape in Bilbao
  • On Thursday night a woman has suffered a group rape by her partner in the Etxebarria Park in Bilbao. The Ertzaintza has arrested six men in the area of Deusto, charged with a crime of sexual assault. In the afternoon, the feminist movement has called for a mobilization against male violence.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko abuztuaren 02a
Indarkeria sexistaren aurkako mobilizazio feminista bat, Bilbon. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

The assaulted woman is an 18-year-old girl, living in the village. The man has come to the hospital and reported the aggression. Detainees are between 18 and 36 years of age. They're being held at the police station.

The City Council of Bilbao has published the note, which is supported by all the political groups. The town hall has "strongly denounced" the "male assault" that occurred in the Etxeberria Park. The assaulted woman and her relatives have been received with the support of her relatives and relatives.

In the opinion of the City Council of Bilbao, "the sexist aggressions that occur in our society and in our way of life, both in the private and in the public sphere, reflect male violence". For this reason, it "rejects all kinds of non-respectful behaviors for women, including sexist gestures and attitudes and the most extreme aggressions," the Department of Security said. It calls on the public to take an active attitude to the attacks: "We have to take individual and collective responsibility," he added. The City Council has announced that it will participate in the mobilizations being convened to denounce the sexual assault suffered by eta.

The Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of Bilbao has also made a statement: "We are still surprised by the feeling of impunity of the aggressors, the lack of protection of the victims and the lack of institutional response. They draw energy, money and political will to fight other violence."

Mobilisation today

Along with the group rape committed on Thursday night, the feminist movement in Bilbao has denounced a second aggression that occurred last Tuesday in the vicinity of Abando. They have claimed the right of women to live the street without fear and the letter. They have denounced that the responsibility for the attacks lies with "the patriarchal system and the institutions and society that are complicit in the attacks". They have called on women to defend themselves, men to be "accomplices" and "not to look elsewhere at the misogynist attitudes of oneself and those around them".

The feminist movement has called for a repulsive rally this afternoon at the Plaza del Arriaga in Bilbao. - We're sick! You cannot silence us! The streets are ours! No aggression, no answers! ", says the poster that is being opened from the network. - This is not our peace! The feminist movement in Bilbao has written in its Twitter account the news of the event.