The hotel will be able to open its doors until midnight in the CAV
  • Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has announced new adjustment measures, following the meeting of the Labi committee. They will enter into force on 2 June and will be reviewed 20 days later.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko maiatzaren 31
Iñigo Urkullu prentsaurrekoan murrizketa berriak iragartzen. Irudia:

In a hearing at 18:15 a.m., lehendakari has ratified the measures that have been filtered through the afternoon and announced more:

- Bars must close at midnight and have the same time limit as other cultural activities.

- The maximum number of persons for indoor activities shall be 600 and for outdoor activities shall be 800.

- In general, the limit of persons for spaces is 60% of the maximum capacity.

- The departure of public transport will end at midnight.

- The number of leisure team members is limited to ten, always in stable groups. The same goes for outdoor visits.

The CAV lehendakari has affirmed that it is time for "hope and prudence" in the peace process. In this regard, he has pointed out that in recent weeks there has been a great deal of progress and has encouraged the citizens not to step back in compliance with the measures. The new cuts will enter into force on 2 June and will be reviewed 20 days later by the LABI Committee.

Here are the most detailed measures: