The intention of the Government of Navarra is to close the bars at 2:00 hours
  • The Department of Health of the Government of Navarre will bring the proposal to the Government on 22 July: to draw up a decree law for night-time entertainment venues to close at 2:00 throughout Navarre. It will also consider limiting the number of people who can meet in low hours to avoid crowds in the closing of bars during the weekend.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko uztailaren 21
Santos Indurain Osasun sailburuak uztailaren 22an eramango du proposamena Nafarroako Gobernuaren saiora.

The Health Advisor, Santos Indurain, announced on 20 July: "We have to maintain a difficult balance, care for public health, but also the economy and social life of our community. Our strategy will not be to take backward steps that penalize the whole of society, but will be selective, gradual actions".

Aware that this measure will mainly affect young people, Indurain has conveyed an optimistic message to young people and recalled "the solidarity they have had during confinement, the support they have given to the elderly and the work they do in the neighbourhoods. They are the present and the future of our society, we need them," he said.