Firearm, elongation tank and bulletproof vest, part of the minimum equipment to be carried by CAPV agents
  • The Basque Government has approved the decree determining the basic equipment for all municipal agents. These include the 9 mm parabellum, ammo, shackles, short or elongating porras, whistle, bulletproof vest and black gloves.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko martxoaren 06a

The purpose of the decree is “to achieve homogeneity in the equipment of the local police” to “improve the coordination and effectiveness of police action”. Towns and cities have a period of one year to provide their agents with all the material specified in the decree. In populations under 5,000 inhabitants, the period is five years. The decree also establishes that the material must be adapted to be used in the same way by women and men.

In addition to basic equipment, it regulates the material to be carried in police vehicles (cones, medicine chest, blankets, flashlights...) and their use. Security Advisor Josu Erkoreka has presented the "Decree regulating armaments and other technical and defence means of local police in the Basque Country and its endowment".

The regulation provides that mayors may agree to carry out certain unarmed police services. Only in cases of loss of life or in which there is no physical risk can it be authorized, for which the Mayor will transfer the resolution to the Municipal Guard Headquarters by means of a report.