"very high" fire risk emergency plan in Navarra
  • In Navarra a high risk of fire is foreseen. Civil protection and emergency services, firefighters, the police environmental protection brigade, the environmental department, the Civil Guard and the Navarra delegation of the State Meteorological Agency met on 18 August and launched the special civil protection and emergency plan called INFONA.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko abuztuaren 22a
Sute larrialdia erakusten duen mapa / Argazkia: Estatuko Agentzia Meteorologikoa (AEMET) Sute larrialdia erakusten duen mapa / Argazkia: Estatuko Agentzia Meteorologikoa (AEMET)

The State Meteorological Agency has asked citizens to “act with great attention”, especially to those living in forest areas. The use of fire, grilling, blocking of forest roads and the use of means of transport or machinery that may cause sparks shall be prohibited.

Experts met on 18 August to discuss the issue and take some action. Civil protection and emergency services, firefighters, the Police Environmental Protection Brigade, the Environmental Department, the Civil Guard and the Navarre delegation of the State Meteorological Agency, met.

Measures in doubt

In a recent report published in ARGIA we explained that the discrepancies with the measures of the Government of Navarra are evident. Above all, it has shown little political will to date. The farmer Xabier Unzue has denounced that the main measure of government is to pass on responsibility to municipalities. Mirian Otxotorena and Unzué highlight in the report that the most important thing is fire prevention.