Alda camping in Suprefetura to ask for action against fraudulent rents
  • For a couple of hours, about 40 militants have been denouncing these "illegal" practices. They ask the Prefect of the Atlantic Pyrenees for an appointment.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 19a
Alda-ren ekintza Baionako suprefetura aitzinean (Argazkia: Alda)

Cloths houses, picnic tables, awnings, suitcases, among them "Quite a few fraudulent rents. Banderolas with the slogan "A people, all year round". Created the scene and the summer environment, the Alda movement has extended its claim before the Baiona Suprefecto. In this period he has denounced the fraudulent rents that are multiplying in the summer: the precarious and illegal situation of the year-round landlords who are expelled from the dwelling at that station.

It has asked the institutions to take action against these practices by sending an official request for an appointment with the Prefet of the Atlantic Pyrenees. The Alda movement has made it clear that if there is no response from the public authorities, they will repeat actions.

Mass practice

The group that advocates the right to housing has denounced the imagination of its owners to break the law: "It is not just a few isolated cases, the multiplication of testimonies has revealed the massive practice in the Northern Basque Country that has become a real "illegitimate" field in this area. These leasing contracts are severely precarious by the landlords, who are obliged to accept them because there is no other housing available. People who live here and work here are forced to sleep in the summer camp or on the couch of a close relative, and not only will they recover their home in September or October," said Alda spokesman Xebax Christy.