ATMs in supermarkets report that the Basque Government has withdrawn them from the vaccination campaign
  • The workers learned last week that the Basque Government had excluded them from the specific vaccination protocol and in order to denounce this decision, the multi-service ATMs in the supermarkets of Gipuzkoa have concentrated on the Basque Government Delegation in Gipuzkoa. Since the specific protocol, workers have been included in the overall vaccination of each age group.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2021eko apirilaren 09a
Supermerkatuetako kutxazainek protesta egin dute delegaritzan. Argazkia: ELA Donostia

ATMs say they do a “fundamental job” and that a lot of people go through them every day. That is why the Basque Government considered it a high-risk job and, although they were initially included in the sixth phase of the vaccination campaign, they have finally been excluded from it.

For its part, the ELA trade union has denounced that the Basque Government has not made this decision public and added that workers and trade unions have had to take account of it. They have also said that some of the attitudes of the pandemic are contradictory to this decision: “Support for key sectors is not shown either in balconies or in press conferences. It is demonstrated on a daily basis, ensuring that these groups have decent working conditions, preserving health and safety at work and treating workers with the respect they deserve.”