Properly reporting suicide can save lives
  • Reporting suicide can help people with suicidal thoughts, but to do so it is essential to be properly informed, avoiding false convictions, stereotypes and sensationalism around this tobacco, and informing about risk factors, preventive measures and auxiliary handles.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko irailaren 12a
Abenduan, Suizidio Kodea martxan jarri zuen Nafarroako Gobernuak: Kode hau psikiatra eta psikologoek aktibatu dezakete, pertsonaren batek pentsamendu suizidak dituela antzemanez gero. Argazkia: Wirestock / Openverse

The fact that talking about suicide can push that, most of the journalists that we had internalized that idea in the past, but the message, increasingly, is quite the opposite, and on this occasion the note comes from the Spanish Association of Health Informers, which has asked to train journalists on this issue because properly informing can save lives. In short, there is talk of suicide, but often inappropriately.

In the same vein, we often fear asking someone about suicide and talking about it does so, but experts say that talking about suicide with suicidal thinking can help reassure them rather than encourage them. It doesn't mean that thought goes away, but letting that person speak and listen can calm her emotionally. We should not be afraid to raise and ask the issue, because asking can be preventive work, opening the doors to talk about suffering and developing other tools.

What is getting well informed about suicide?

It is not necessary to simplify reality: suicide is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon; people who commit suicide do not have to have mental confusion and is not a way to draw attention; it is important to rely on data avoiding sensationalism and spectacle and taking care of the language used.

When dealing with the issue, it is appropriate to indicate the risk factors and signals that should ignite the alarm.

In general, suicide is not something impulsive (often thought is there, even if it is not told), which means it can be prevented, even with professional help you can reduce and eliminate suicidal thoughts. It is considered important to disseminate this message, gather the testimonies of the people who have come forward and, of course, report on the institutional and health tools and tools available to help people with suicidal thinking.

In general, suicide is not something impulsive (often thought is there, even if not directed), meaning it can be prevented

False beliefs

In ARGIA, we talked about false beliefs that tend to be behind suicide: Psychologists Rodríguez and Zulet studied statements such as "the person who manifests his/her intention to commit suicide will not really do it", "only those who have serious problems commit suicide", "suicide has hereditary components", "the person with suicide attempts only wants to be cared for", etc.

243 Navarra activates the Suicide Code

In December, the Government of Navarra launched the Suicide Code: This code can be activated by psychiatrists and psychologists when it is detected that someone has suicidal thoughts and allows monitoring and special resources through the collaboration of different professionals in the area.

Since December, 243 Codes have been activated, of which 148 have been disabled.

From January to July, 36 people have committed suicide in Navarra. In 2022, 60 suicides were recorded.

The Suicide website of the Government of Navarra has received 11,561 visits since its creation in 2021. People who wish or need to call 024, the Phone of Hope (948 243 040), the Emergency (012) or the Besarkada Association (622 207 743).