Education inspectors in Navarra receive training in suicide prevention
  • The education inspectors of Navarra have worked myths about suicide, self-harm behaviors of young people, risk factors, warning signs, intervention strategies… in the prevention of suicide.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko apirilaren 19a
Irudia: Pixabay

The inspectors who have participated in the conference Let's talk about suicide have obtained information and resources to be trained in detection and prevention as well as in care and care. Organized by the Department of Education of Navarra, the training has been given by the Besarkada association.

“You’re not the only one”

“When you lose someone, you come to think you’re the only one who has experienced that experience, but you don’t. There are so many questions you have, and what hurts the most is the feeling of guilt: and if I had not gone to work that morning, and if not…, and if not…”. It is part of one of the testimonies collected by the Besarkada association. The association was born with the goal of helping people who have committed suicide.

In addition to Elena Ais, member of the association, the conference heard the testimonies of the inspector Paloma Tocón and the director of the center Iparralde DBH Mikel Ripodas.


Suicide is the second leading cause of death between 10 and 24 years. Every 40 seconds in the world a person commits suicide and for every suicide there are another 20 failed attempts, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Here too, the importance of prevention plans is becoming increasingly apparent. As for suicide, psychologist Leire Pinedo considers it essential to “give guidelines, what to do when I feel bad, where to go…”, “just as resources are reported in the treatment of male violence.”