Call for approval and correction of "mistakes" in the fire brigade job offer
  • In the OPE of the firefighters of Araba and Gipuzkoa, "irregularities" have been reported and "nothing" has been done with the workers. They indicate that 75 percent of the firefighters who are now working will be left out. On Thursday, a protest was made to the Basque Government to resolve the "mistakes" and prevent the tests from being delegated to the Arkaute Police Academy.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abenduaren 23a
Ostegunean Gasteizen protesta egin dute suhiltzaileek LEPeko "irregulartasunak" salatzeko. / Argazkia: Opositoreak Sutan

The latest OPE offer from the firefighters of Araba and Gipuzkoa has sparked protests over the management of the Arkaute Police Academy and the “irregularity” of the tests, reported since November by the firefighters. Professional Parliament and trade union representatives attended the Committee on Institutions, Public Governance and Security on Wednesday to request approval and correction of the “errors” committed in the OPE.

Firefighters have criticized that the study was not fair since 26 November. Among other things, because it opposes this and because it has acted “à la carte”. Only 15% of those presented passed the test. The following story details the arguments for the fire protest.

Representatives of the PNV, including those of the deputies, note that they understand the “sadness of those who have not overcome it”, but say that the examination has complied with all the measures and that it did not require “anything exaggerated”.

Firefighters resort to the results presented by Arkaute, but denounce that the academy has annulled everyone “without giving explanations.”

On Thursday the Alavese firefighters protested in Vitoria-Gasteiz before the Basque Government to ask for solutions “to 75% of the workers who will stay on the street” and to reject the tests of offers of joint work with Arkaute.