Call to end "torture" against people suffering psychosocial suffering in Iruñea
  • They have made a demonstration in Pamplona organized by the Navarra association Mejana to make visible people suffering psychosocial suffering, to assert their rights and to break with the stigma.  
Olaia L. Garaialde 2024ko ekainaren 10a
Sufrimendu psikosoziala jasaten duten pertsonen eskubideen aldeko manifestazioa Iruñean.

They have taken to the streets in Pamplona under the slogan of being free, breaking the stigma, on the Day of the Pride of Madness, and have claimed the rights of people suffering from psychosocial suffering. "Our goal is to reclaim, make visible and break with stigma the rights that constantly violate us," the organizers explain.

They call for the end of mechanical, chemical and electroshocks, that is, not to be attached to bed anymore and for the medicalization to be interrupted: "Chemical scares are decaffeinated mechanisms for nailing us in bed." In March, at the Conference on Psychiatric Oppression and Self-Management of Madness held in Katakrak in Pamplona, members of the Mejana association reported that in 2023, in public psychiatry in Navarra, there were 171 people tied to the bed.

The music group Bandada has taken the streets set with a song created for the day and raised its voice in a festive atmosphere. Madness needs coverage and not torture.


Video of the demonstration in ahotsa.infok: