Sweden approves emergency law in the absence of tough measures against COVID-19
  • The Northern European State has not decreed confinement or imposed strict hygiene measures. However, now that the number of infections and deaths is increasing, the Government has passed an emergency law with opposition that opens the door to possible containment.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 08a
Etxean geratzeko agindua eman ez duen Europako estatu bakarra da Suediakoa. Argazkia: El Independiente.

The only law the Swedes had to comply with so far was to keep the gap between the general public. Moreover, life in the country has remained normal, with the opening of bars and schools. The risk groups have been the only ones that have confined the affected areas and left it to popular solidarity to comply with the measures.

And the number of infections and deaths has increased: There are 7,693 cases and 591 deaths, and the Government has decided to adopt the emergency law, which is not serious. This law, which will last until June, allows the government, with the approval of Parliament, to close bars, restaurants or large commercial areas.