Sweden and Finland intend to join NATO, according to the newspaper 'The Times'
  • According to the British newspaper, Finland will be the first NATO country to join the alliance, which will be ahead of the summit in Madrid in June.
IƱaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko apirilaren 11

According to information published by the British newspaper The Times, Sweden and Finland are planning to join NATO following the invasion of Ukraine. Finland, which has a border with Russia, would be the first to join the alliance, and Sweden would be the next to join it.

The countries intend to join the alliance before the summit in Madrid in June. If these countries join NATO, the alliance will have 32 members, and will increase their presence in northern Europe.

According to the surveys, 62% of Finns agree to join the alliance, while people who support this view have increased by 19% since the invasion of Ukraine. In Sweden, for its part, 46% of the population is in favour of joining the alliance.