Scottish Prime Minister Confirms Intention to Hold an Independence Referendum in 2023
  • The British Supreme Court must now decide whether it is legal or not to hold a referendum on 19 October 2023 without the approval of the UK Government. Sturgeon says that if they do not give their consent, they will take advantage of the elections as an independence questionnaire.
Leire Artola Arin 2022ko urriaren 11
Sturgeonek SNPren biltzarrean gogor kritikatu du toryen gobernua. / Argazkia: Andrew Milligan / PA Wire.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed that a referendum on independence will be held on 19 October 2023. Citizens will have to answer the question “Scotland should be an independent country?” as they did in 2014. He won the negative with 55 percent of the votes. At present, the independentists have a majority in the Scottish Parliament. Last May, Sturgeon’s SNP independence party and the Green Party for independence won 64 more seats. However, the announced referendum shows a fundamental difference compared to 2014: The UK bulls' government has not given them permission to hold a referendum.

Sturgeon, at its annual SNP conference on Monday, announced to citizens that they have drafted a new law for the independence questionnaire, and that the British Supreme Court will now have to decide whether or not the referendum is legal without the authorisation of the Westminster Government. A judicial and political conflict is foreseen for the coming months.

Even if the Supreme Court considered the referendum to be legal, British Prime Minister Liz Truss would have tools to block interrogation. However, if they consider it illegal in the courts, which most experts expect, Sturgeon has ensured that they will use other ways to ask the citizens about the independence of Scotland: The SNP party would be presented to the next regional elections and the only objective of the programme would be to achieve independence. The elections would become a referendum, as you pointed out

Fleeing the “disaster” of Tory

The Scottish Prime Minister has strongly criticised the UK Government at the SNP conference: “Bulls take three years to realize that Boris Johnson was a disaster. It took only three weeks with Liz Truss,” said media The Guardian. He therefore considers that independence is “fundamental” in resolving Westminster’s “mismanagement”. Sturgeon has been convinced that they are “the generation of independence”, but has taken into account the Scots who oppose and have addressed them: “Despite whatever happens in the future, Scotland is yours, as ours is.”