The Steilas trade union clearly stated on 19 September that it does not agree with the preliminary draft law presented by the Department of Education of the Basque Government on 14 September for Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. They have met with the Bilbao Delegation to say it out loud, do not sell public education, to this Toxic Education Act no! under the helm.
This is one of the main complaints they made at the press conference: the government is accused of wanting to privatise education with the new law. “The project presented is nothing more than a trick to perpetuate duality, with pseudo-corrective measures without structural changes,” they warned. They say that the key to the issue of public and private centers is ownership, and that the Public Education Service concept of the draft law is nothing more than a “malicious euphemism”, in short, to “enable the rescue of private centers”. In the words of Steillas, “it is evident” the desire to promote privatization through the bill.
They remember that ownership is important to guarantee the presence of the Basque Country, so this law will not place the Basque in the center. They also denounce that segregation will increase: “It is pointless to put in place measures against the already ineffective segregation, which only serve to place patches on the structurally segregated dual system.”
There will be a period of one month to contribute to the circor of the CAV Education Act; the union denounces that the government wants to do the law “as soon as possible”, “for the political needs of the government”. That is why they accuse him of not having left room for debate, either with the trade unions or with the social partners. They clarify that the vacuum of this participation is evident because they have not included in the draft any public input from Steilas and various social actors.
Steilas encourages actors in education and other sectors to join forces to manifest their disagreements with the law and “carry out the necessary mobilizations to break this”.